Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Challenge is On!!!

I have officially started Advocare's 24-day challenge as of yesterday! I can already feel the effects - in a good way! The first 10 days are a cleansing or detoxifying of your body -it is NOT the kind of cleansing where you don't eat and end up on the toilet all day!
It simply prepares your body for the rest of the challenge to feel its very best! We all need to "scrub out" our insides every once in a while, right?
Also, super exciting is the Open House at the River Crossing Club this week! I have enjoyed getting to meet so many new people who have come out to try the classes! Sometimes it's intimidating to just show up somewhere you've never been with people you've never met and sweat! Just showing up is the hardest part! So proud of all my Body Burners and Zumba peeps for bringing new friends and supporting the club- Thank you!
Open House lasts until Saturday and you can find the schedule on this blog site.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spark it up!

Recently my fellow crossfit friends have been touting the great benefits they are getting from drinking Advocare's Spark drink before workouts.  I decided to try it for myself and am actually surprised how much more energy and focus I have! I don't even miss my morning latte - yet!
I became a distributor for this company because I believe they are really out to help athletes' performance and general public's well-being. 
My husband, Rick is taking the Advocare 24-day challenge and I plan to start next week! I'll let you know how it goes! If you are interested in looking at my website, feel free to go to:


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Eating for your Bloodtype

I was recently recommended to read "Eat Right 4 Your Type: The individualized diet plan" book.  I briefly read over the synopsis for each bloodtype - particularly my own which is A type.  It seems to make a lot of sense historically and if you have specific "issues" with certain foods, you may find the information to coincide with what you already suspected.  If you want to know specific foods to eat or not to eat, then I suggest purchasing the book.

Here's the basic idea:
Type O: The hunter
       * meat eater
       * hardy digestive tract
       * overactive immune system
       * intolerant to dietary and environmental adaptions
       * Responds best to stress with intense physical activity
Type A:  The cultivator
       *  The first vegetarian
       * Reaps what he sows
       * Sensitive digestive tract
       * tolerant immune system
       * responds best to stress with calming action

Type B:  The Nomad
       * Balanced
       * Strong immune system
       * most flexible dietary choices
       * dairy eater
       * responds best to stress with creativity

Type AB:  The Enigma
       * modern merging of A and B
       * sensitive digestive tract
       * overly tolerant immune system
       * an evolutionary mystery      

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Shakeology as a post-workout supplement!

Whether you're headed home after a Total Body Burn workout or a great Zumba sessions, you've busted your tail and now it's time to relax.
Or is it? A little couch time might seem in order, but that doesn't mean the work is done. After a hard workout, your body becomes super receptive to nutrients, so proper eating in the hour after is crucial. Don't slack off now. Hit the kitchen for your Shakeology recovery shake within the first 10 minutes of wrapping up, and allow 30 to 45 minutes for it to absorb before eating anything else!
When Nietzsche said, "That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger," he could have been talking about a good workout. First of all, exercise burns through your blood sugar as well as your glycogen, your body's back-up sugar supply. Meanwhile, it drains your electrolytes and fluids and causes micro-trauma to your muscles. That last one typically happens more often with weight training, but just about any intense exercise breaks down (and subsequently builds) muscle to some degree. Just look at a swimmer's shoulders or a jogger's legs if you doubt this.
Protein is critical after a tough workout because it works to repair your muscles. This is due to the fact that protein is comprised of amino acids, which serve as building blocks for muscle. If you can get some protein in your body fast, it can jump-start the recovery process. With 16 to 18 grams of quality protein in each serving, Shakeology works great as a muscle building tool and is absorbed perfectly after a work-out because your body in its depleted state is extra receptive to the nutrients.
The next mode of action is replenishing your blood sugar. In order to do this you need carbs. There are 17 grams of carbs in each serving of Shakeology, which when taken with protein post-workout, can both replenish your body and keep you satisfied, so you don't overeat or suffer through that "I'm starving" feeling, which can lead to unhealthy meal choices.
The final two pieces of the recovery puzzle are electrolytes (specifically potassium, sodium, magnesium, and chloride) and water, all of which you lose when you sweat. The magnesium, sodium, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes in Shakeology will boost your electrolytes, and if you want to get even more, make your shake with coconut water. As for rehydrating, I hear there's a new thing out there called "water." You might want to research it. :)

Monday, February 20, 2012


Eat real, unprocessed food,
as close to nature as possible, and listen to your body.

Pretend the modern supermarket doesn't exist.  Choose foods that could 
be grown, hunted, or gathered - nothing packaged or processed.
Support local farms when possible.

Eat animals, marine life, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fruits.
Eat plenty of healthy fats from pastured animals, fish, coconut, avocado,
olives, and cold-pressed oils.
Drink water.

Incorporate traditional, nutrient-dense foods:
fermented vegetables, organ meats, and homemade bone broths.

Above all, ditch the "gurus", "programs" and "diets" and get back to the basics.
Connect with your intuition and allow it to guide you.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mee Nut Butter!

My new nut butter just arrived today! It's called MeeNut butter and it's specifically for Paleo folks! I'm excited because it contains a diverse selection of nuts that include almonds, pecans, walnuts, macademia nuts, sunflower seeds. It also contains organic virgin coconut oil, pure vanilla extract and sea salt!
Their website is www.MeeEatPaleo.com

Friday, February 10, 2012

Check your BMI!

Well, the Paleo challenge has ended but the winner has not yet been announced! The winner is based on results of Body Fat Percentage, BMI and Weight lost. Here's a chart to help you decipher your BMI results. If you are interested in having this calculated, let me know!